Written by Lowell Jones
Loudoun County announced in mid-April that our Falcons Landing Home Delivered Meals (HDM) team had won the 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Award in the Volunteer Senior Team category. More than 80 individuals and groups were nominated in 15 different categories, so we can be very proud about our award. Our dedicated team was nominated by Carrie Randolph, whom we all know as the cheerful and helpful greeter when we enter the Cascades Senior Center kitchen to pick up the meals.
The award ceremony was held on Friday, April 28, at West Belmont Place, Lansdowne, VA. Our award recipients were Ennis and Novella Whitehead (Ennis founded our HDM project in 1999), Jim Paradise and HDM teammate Marina Hambric (Jim is a previous coordinator and still volunteers), and Sandy and Lowell Jones, HDM coordinator. We missed the late Bob Wallace, who was the previous coordinator.
Our volunteers, past and present, earned this award as part of Falcons Landing’s outreach to the community. One of our volunteers, Earl Hunigan, has been with HDM for 18 years; our ages run from 71 to 94, and all are still going strong. Most are disappointed when we can’t deliver because of bad weather; all are impressive people who excel and are devoted to their volunteer efforts.
Current volunteers (48) include Arnold and Ione Braswell, Sally Burdick, Leo Childs, Bill Delaney, Lawrence Dolgoff, Joe Falletti, John Foti, Barbara Goodwin, Marina Hambric, Jim and Helen Hardy, Don Hughes, Earl Hunigan, Harry & Peg Hurst, HT & Ann Johnson, Lowell & Sandy Jones, Erica Kane, Stanley King, Anne Lackman, Jean Lewis, Jan McCarty, Charlotte McClintock, Marty McDonald, Fred Moore, Tom and Andrea Moore, Jackie Mullen, Jim Paradise, Richard and Deon Picanso, Wally Plummer, Margaret Quayle, Russell Ray, Pat Richards, Duane and Sally Stubbs, Ray Stutzman, Mick Trainor, Ellen Van Buren, Pete Verfurth, Fern Walmer, Jay Weides, SC Whitehouse, and Al Yahanda. The volunteers who had to leave us during the last year were Ruth Bezek, George Cates, Sibyl Geiger, and Catherine Renken.
In all, they were a great cast of Falcons Landing residents!